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Accelerated Reader

Everyday, we will have independent reading time because the best way to become a better reader is to read! My goal is to keep AR going, but combine it with Reader's Workshop. I will be actively assisting students in setting three goals.Each quarter students will be setting their own Accelerated Reader goals in three areas-- book level, accuracy level and points. Our class will also work toward a classroom goal of 2013 points.They will be able to test and monitor their progress to their goals on our classroom iPads. Students who achieve all three of their goasl will participate in a fun activity as a reward each quarter. The activities may include cookie sundaes, playing games, a popcorn party, hat day, pajama day, etc. Parents will receive an AR Student Record each quarter listing the books your child has read.

Grading / Homework/ Late Work

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Grading Scale

A 93-100%
A- 92%
B+ 91%
B 90-85%
B- 84%
C+ 83%
C 82-77%
C- 76%
D+ 75%
D 74-69%
D- 68%
F 67% and Under


  • Most of the time homework is the work the students do not get finished during classtime. If students use their time well during class, they should not have a great deal of homework outside of school. The general standard is approximately 10 minutes of homework for each grade level, which would be 50 minutes for 5th graders. Students who participate in band or orchestra have lessons during class time and are responsible for missed class time. If your child has more homework than this each night, please contact me.
  • Reading for at least 20 minutes is always expected. Reading is a gateway skill that is utilized in all subject areas and careers. The only way to get better at reading is to read. Students should have a self-selected novel they are reading each night. I also provide time during school for independent reading whenever I can. I maintain the status of your child's reading, so there will not a be a log for parents to sign or verify.
  • When there is a test, students may need more time for studying. For my Social Studies tests, I always have study games set up on my Quia website. These games follow the types of questions asked on the test and should give students a good handle on the test. Mr. Zink usually provides a study guide that matches his test and Mrs. Chilson encourages students to use IXL as an online study method.
  • Spelling Tests will usually be on Fridays. Students are introduced to the words on Monday and will receive a word list to take home at that time. Throughout the week, the students will practice words with a variety of guided spelling activities, including Spelling City. At times this schedule will change based on short weeks or other modifications to our day. I will let the students know early in the week if that happens. Students should also receive an 80% or higher on the weekly tests in 2 tries. As the school year progresses, this will be more of a challenge as the words become more difficult, so it is important to establish a studying routine.
  • Each student has been given an assignment planner, which they are encouraged to use to record assignments and subject area happenings. I do not require the planner to be completed unless there has been an issue with incomplete work. Please encourage your child to bring this planner home if you have any questions.

Late or Missing School Work-- The ICU List

The Homework Guarantee

I would have done it yesterday
If it weren't for the rain,
All that lightning and thunder
Are so tricky on my brain.
And I'd like to work real hard tonight
To raise my grades right out of sight,
But my finger has a splinter,
And it hurts me when I write.
Now tomorrow is another day
So we'll have to wait and see,
I intend to do my homework
But there's no guarantee.
I know I've got to do it
If I want to grow up smart,
But something always happens
Every time I start.
--Brad Bagert

Because learning is essential and more important to your teachers than grades, a communication tool for students, parents, and teachers called the ICU will be implemented. ICU stands for Intensive Care Unit. Just like when someone is sick or injured and they need the ICU, a student may need this level of help in regards to their schoolwork and learning.

There are three ways in which a student qualifies for the ICU List:
1. Incomplete/Missing Assignment
2. Lower than a 70% on a Daily Assignment
3. Lower than a 80% on a Test

If a student qualifies for ICU, they will:
1. Contact their parents and explain why they are in need of ICU help
2. Stay in at recess for extra help from his/her teachers
3. Be removed from the list when the work is completed or student has shown mastery

The list will be shared with the students at the beginning of every school day.

We are devoted to the success of ALL students.
We will not accept less than a student’s best!.

We are issuing "Oops Coupons" because no one is perfect. The coupon allows students to forget an assignment once a quarter and not suffer the consequence of a dropped letter grade. A new coupon is issued each quarter and students cannot trade coupons.This benefits our students in the long-term as we look forward to Middle School. Our students will be accustomed to these requirements.

Make up Work

Special arrangements are made for makeup work during absences. If your child is only absent for one day, I will not send work home, but I do ask that he/she try to read. When your child returns to school, we will work together to assemble missed work. For 2 or more missed days, I will gather some school work for your child to complete at home, as appropriate. Because of the workshop format in Reading, Writing, and Math, students do not have as many traditional assignments, such as worksheets. Social Studies involves research, group work, simulations, etc. which really cannot be recreated and sent home.

The district allows the student 2 days to make up a missed assignment for every day that they are gone. It is usually appropriate for the student to complete most of the work when they return to school. Many of our assignments involve cooperative learning, research, technology, etc. rather than book work so it can be difficult to send the work home.

Please contact the Office (882-6390) in the morning to leave a message about picking up missed work after school. If your child is only going to be absent one day, I would rather wait to send home their missed work until he/she returns. Reading a book is always a great thing to do if your child is feeling up to it.

DDN Campus

Grades are posted on DDN Campus as appropriate. My goal is at least once per week, but this can vary because of long-term projects. Parents can access their child's grades at any time to see grades, attendance, etc. Midterms and report cards are sent home each quarter, as well. By the second quarter, students will be receiving their own student access to Campus in order to monitor their own grades.

Ten Ways to Get A's

Technology Classroom

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Success Maker

Each day students will participate in the SuccessMaker program in the computer lab. This program individually places students in the areas of Math and Reading. Over the summer, SuccessMaker was updated to the current versions which will make it more engaging for the students. The program continuously evaluates and challenges the students at their level. This program is being updated to better meet student needs. In order to advance and grow, students must achieve at least a 70% in each area. At least 2 adults are present in the lab to provide assistance. We have found a connection between success in SuccessMaker and standardized test scores.

Classroom iPad Lab


This is the first year of a 1:1 iPad lab in our classroom! I am so excited to have 26 iPads that we will be using in a wide variety as learning tools. Blogging, researching, testing, book writing, --- are just a few of the many ways we will use the iPads. Each student will be assigned an iPad that he/she is responsible for. More information about this will be available at Open House and coming home with your child. I have so many ideas and I can hardly wait to get started!
There are new trapezoid tables to give students room to work on school assignments with the iPads nearby. The tables faciliate group work and cooperative activities and can be reconfigured in different ways. Textbooks, binders, and supplies are stored on bookshelves at the back of the room. Folders are kept in a pouch on the chair.
Tools and Equipment
Our classroom is equipped with 26 iPads, a laser printer, digital still camera, digital video camera, six Flip video cameras, a document camera, four ipods, an LCD projector, a Sympodium and an Airliner Wireless Slate. It is a great privilege to have this equipment in our classroom and our responsibility to care for it wisely.
Classroom Library

Even with all this technology, we still have a growing classroom library filled with books. My goal is to add 20-40 new books to the library each year. That way our classroom library can stay current to student interests. Students and parents can help by ordering books from the book orders. Each book is worth points that I then use to get books for the classroom library. I also greatly appreciate donations to my library as parents clean out books at home.

Reading is one of my passions and I hope students will come to enjoy reading as much as I do.

Sympodium/Airliner Wireless Slate

The Sympodium allows students to interact with documents, websites, movies, or anything on the computer. The LCD projector displays the action on the screen at the front of the room for all to see. The students use the special pen to write and draw. The Airliner Wireless Slate uses Bluetooth technology and allows the user to control the connected computer from anywhere in the classroom.

Website Over several years, I have written a website, that we use daily in the classroom. It includes links to Brain Builders, the blog, curriculum links, Quia, photos, student projects, and more. It is a growing, changing place that students and parents can access at home too. The link to the site is Mrs. Rook's Classroom Site
Newsletters/Emails At various times throughout each month, I will send emails and/or newsletters about classroom happenings, tests, etc. My hope is that parents will find them helpful and informative.

Classroom Photo Tour


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Students in 5th grade have the following curriculum:

I am excited to teach Social Studies and Spelling to all the 5th graders! In Social Studies, we will learn about our country's history from the First People through Forming a Government. While we do have the textbook available, this year we will have access to many different online sites and tools. I also use active simulations to help students experience colonizing, fighting the Revolutionary War, forming a new country, etc. I incorporate research and different technology projects throughout the different history units.

I will also be teaching spelling to all the 5th graders! A list will be sent home each week and tests will be on Fridays. I will also be using Spelling City online as another way for students to study. This year each student will have a personal log in to Spelling City which allows access to different online games and testing. Spelling grades will come from tests and at least one daily assignment each week.

Mr. Zink will be teaching Science and Mrs. Chilson has Math. Math class will be an hour in length this year! It will also be in a workshop format and use investigations to develop student knowledge and number sense. More information will be coming about this. Students will switch classes in the morning. This year there will be an activity block beginning at 2:00 PM. Each afternoon, students will attend a combination of PE, Music, Art, Library, or SuccessMaker. Click here to see the schedule.

Trapper Keepers/Binders (large zippered notebooks) are on the supply list for the first time! -We DO want you to purchase a trapper keeper as a part of your school supplies this year.It should be able to hold 3 notebooks & 3 pocket folders and contain a zippered pocket for pens, pencils, highlighters, etc. Organization continues to be a challenge for students and because we are switching for 4 classes, we hope this will help keep all items in a single location.

DARE will be held with the 5th graders during the first semester. A graduation ceremony will culminate the study.

Fifth graders have the opportunity to join orchestra or band. They will be scheduled for a 20 minute lesson once a week. If they choose band, they will also meet for several full band experiences as the year progresses. Lessons may be during classroom instruction time. Therefore, the students who participate, are responsible to find out what they missed and/or what they are responsible to do outside of class.


Birthday Treats and Student Snacks

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Please contact me if you have any questions- 882-6390 or

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Updated:June 16, 2014